Online Courses

School is in session! Below you’ll find resources that are both rich in technical content and intentionally crafted to drive real life adaptation in the student. This is done with methods that support multiple learning styles and preferences. Whether you’re a student learning to learn or a leader learning to teach, the programs below will find you where you are and will challenge your development accordingly.

Available Courses & Mentorship

Coach’s Prep 101

This course is for coaches that want to be better at their craft. Prospective, novice coaches can use Coach’s Prep as a preparatory program to build basic coaching skills from the ground up. This course will also challenge intermediate and advanced professional coaches by filling in gaps, challenging current understanding, and eradicating the complacency of focusing on the needs of others and neglecting your own craft.


Business Prep 101

This course is a 16-week immersion into the nuts and bolts of business for both current entrepreneurs and prospective business owners looking to make an impact. You’ll cut straight to the most important principles for building not just a company that operates in the black, but a company that is structured for unlimited upside. The Catch-22 of entrepreneurship is that often times the subject matter experts with the passion for their craft that ought to be in business didn’t become experts by studying business. This is for the passionate ones who the world needs to become entrepreneurs, but need step-by-step help.


The Mentorship

This personal coaching environment brings Summit principles to life with one-on-one accountability. Participation in this program is based on a monthly retainer with regular email communication, tracking, planning, and calls every 45 days.